Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why is the conviction rate for rape so low in the United Kingdom Dissertation

Why is the conviction rate for rape so low in the United Kingdom - Dissertation Example More often than not, the prosecution and defence parties know each other, making the witness accounts more likely to involve some bias. Despite this, it is suggested that the United Kingdom has some of the best training in the world for officers dealing with rape cases, with a huge number of restrictions and guidelines in relation to these cases. However, the conviction rate for rape still remains extremely low, especially when compared with that of other physical crimes. The Association of Chief Police Officers lead for rape has suggested that this might be because the training is often ignored, perhaps due to the personal nature of rape cases. The purpose of this investigation is to critically review the available literature on the topic to ascertain further reasons why this conviction rate is still so low for cases of rape. This will provide material to evaluate the situation for rape victims (and those falsely accused of rape) in the U.K. and perform a critical reflection on the subject. This material will be used to show that it is the very nature of rape that ensures the conviction rate remains at this low percentage, although changes in procedure may help the proceedings in some cases. Definitions and Types of Rape Perhaps something that makes cases of rape more likely to go unprosecuted is that the definition of rape changes between individuals and between organizational bodies. This could have a number of consequences, not least being that jurors may have differing opinions that make prosecution difficult. The United Nations (UN) definition of rape is ‘sexual intercourse without valid consent’6, which in the United Kingdom includes minors under 16 years of age who are not legally able to give ‘valid consent’. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that rape is ‘physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration – even if slight – of the vulva or anus, using a penis, other body parts or an objectâ€⠄¢7, again focusing on penetration being the definitive act. Some feel that this is exclusive of those who experience sexual misconduct without penetration. Within the United Kingdom, the Sexual Offences Act 2003 defines rape as an act which can only be carried out by a man, must involve penetration and this man must not reasonably believe that there is consent.8 This is the definition that will be used throughout this essay, as it is useful from a legal context, despite the social issues that it may provoke. Rape & Prosecution Rates in the United Kingdom The Home Office publishes statistics on rape cases, which provide a useful basis for any research on rape in the United Kingdom. The following figures do not include statutory rape; all the cases reported here are by male and female victims aged between 16 and 59. This gives the rate of rape and attempted rate for 2006 as about 0.5% of women in the 16-59 age group, or one in every 200 women9. When cases of attempted rate are exclud ed, the rate remains high at 0.3%. Overall, the best estimate for sexual assault crimes was that it affected It was reported that 53% of cases of serious sexual assault against women were caused by a partner (a complicating factor that will be discussed below), whilst in men the most common

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Global Hunger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Hunger - Essay Example mbined aid of between $135 and $195 billion for the next ten years, which may seem like a lot but it is not, according to Sachs, because it would only represent a small increase in the gross domestic product percentage of each country. Sachs is a valid source on this issue, as he has worked as an economist for various institutions and countries and is even a special advisor to the United Nations on global poverty. Extreme poverty, which is defined by Sachs as having an income of less than a dollar per day, is a significant problem, as it is responsible for countless deaths worldwide each day and is solely responsible for the extreme living conditions in many developing countries. This book uses a number of significant analyses from Sachs’s own experiences, which give the book a very legitimate feel. Also, Sachs discusses many of the causes of global poverty and gives solutions to how these problems can be fixed and why the governments of these countries should listen to his th eories and implement these solutions. One of the main reasons for extreme poverty, according to Sachs, is that much of the world suffers from poor geography, poor road and rail networks, and/or poor healthcare. This makes travel to and from these locations difficult, which cuts down on the amount of trade that other countries are willing to do with that particular country. It also makes these regions unviable for tourism, which is a main source of income for many wealthy nations. This makes it very difficult to maintain any type of economic growth, as there is very little to build on. Even though â€Å"todays search for cheap labor has moved jobs from rich countries to poor,† (Landes, 520) the disparity between the countries remains. Without any immediate sources of viable income, these countries have become trapped in subsistence mode, which makes it nearly impossible for them to develop at a significant rate. All of the money that these countries do produce goes into maintaining what the